Is MITT a Cult?
Short answer: No. (But it sure was a lot of fun!)
Beginning in June of 2019, and wrapping up in November of the same year, upon invitation, I looked into and took up the leadership training program called Mastery In Transformational Training.
Mastery in Transformational Training–aka M.I.T.T. aka Mastery–is a leadership training. I’ve done plenty of leadership training in my life. (The year before I did Landmark, also quite good though more “heady” imo.) In fact, I would call my Army training leadership training. Definitely.
Less than a year later, my life has changed. Ended a bad relationship. Added some amazing people into my life. Had a ridiculous amount of fun. And moved to Los Angeles: My book has been optioned for television, and I have a space mission!
One of the criticisms I heard about MITT was simple: It’s a cult. Or it’s multi-level marketing. Or both.
Good news for everybody, it is neither. If it was, I would have been the wrong person to have invited in the door.
I made a video to explain. Here it is:
Gratefully, a good friend saw in me that which I couldn’t see myself: what was holding me back. And, no surprise, it was me. My own stories about the excuses I had become comfortable explaining to others why I was who (and how) I was — ie not who or how I wanted to be (ie personally and professionally very successful).
Now, it is my opinion and experience–and, of the eight friends who took me up on taking MITT, I did indeed invite a person to play for whom MITT was not a match (seven continued on like me, the one walked out): If a good friend, family member, or someone you love — or even a perfect stranger! — invites you to do Mastery training, take a chance, trust yourself, and do it!
As I say in the video, “If there’s something we want we do not have, we get to do something we have never done.” For me, that was doing Mastery/MITT.
Truthfully, there are all kinds of transformational trainings. Mastery/MITT is just the one that worked for me (a close friend of mine just did the big Tony Robbins training in Hawaii). I’m out of a relationship that was unsatisfying for both of us, I’m now living in Los Angeles working on my tv series, and the priority in my life is making sure there is more love in the world. And that loving started with me getting out of the way of my own receiving love.
My definition of transformation is intentional evolution. That’s not exclusive to MITT and it’s not guaranteed. However, like I say in the video, transformation may be simple, it may not have been easy, but oh my google, all things considered, one thing I can testify to without a moment’s hesitation:
It sure was fun!